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About us

Hi! My name is Igor, and I am a fanatic plein air painter. I also like hiking and snowshoeing, so there was a problem that my easel was too heavy. Being also an engineer, I invent my own pochade box. And then I made another one. And again. Suddenly I discovered that my boxes are good for other artists, too, and I started to sell it.

I started on Etsy and was running a successful store. It become my family’s small business. I was building pochade boxes, which I constantly improved for 4 years now, and my wife Anna was sewing leather goods and helping me with social marketing.

We lived in Russia, and then the war started, so we lost everything: our work, our country and business. Due to our anti-war position, we could not stay there, so we have fled and now settled in Armenia.

We do love what we do, and strongly believe that our products are worth trying to start restoring everything from ashes in our new home country.

2 thoughts on “About us

  1. Your boxes look good – I’ve made a few myself. I hope you do well in your new life particularly in view of the upheaval you have endured. Take care and best wishes for the future.

    1. Thank you so much David!

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